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Magic with Business Cards
World's Greatest Magic

Bestellnummer: 90-4316
Unser Preis: € 23,50
inkl. 19% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


Demo-Video anzeigen

A magician should leave a lasting impression and one of the best ways to do that is to hand out your business card in a magical way. Your prospective client will not only remember you but will also get to keep tangible evidence of your magical abilities that just happens to have your contact information! On this DVD, you'll meet nine performers with ten different ways to utilize your business cards in a magical way.

  • John Guastaferro causes random spots on the back of his card to magically transform into the name of a selected playing card.
  • Banachek uses just four cards to demonstrate an uncanny ability to know a spectator's choice in advance.
  • Michael Ammar's business cards hand themselves out via a very eerie self-animation.
  • Michael Close causes an initialed card to turn up in an impossible place.
  • Dan Harlan recreates a classic of rope magic with an initialed business card.
  • Jeff McBride causes his card to simply appear in the spectator's outstretched hands.
  • Daryl turns his business card into an uncannily accurate prediction of the future.
  • Raj Madhok takes a card magic classic and turns it into an amazing communion with the spirits.
    Greg Wilson demonstrates a pen that can magically write in any color named.
  • Michael Ammar returns with business cards that can print themselves.

For any working professional who uses business cards, these effects can literally mean the difference between your card being tossed into a pile (or into the legendary "circular file") or cherished by its recipient and even shown around to others for perhaps years after as evidence of an unbelievable, magical encounter with a very special person – you!

  • Constellation – John Guastaferro
  •  This 'n That – Banachek
  • The Incredible Business Machine – Michael Ammar
  • The El Cheepo Magic Club – Michael Close
  • Business Card Nightmare – Dan Harlan
  • Business Card Connection – Jeff McBride
  • Business Card Prophecy – Daryl
  • Piano Séance – Raj Madhok
  • Multi-Color Pen – Gregory Wilson
  • Self-Printing Business Cards – Michael Ammar

Englischsprachige DVD, running time appr. 1hr 16min.


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