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52 Explorations
Andi Gladwin & Jack Parker

Bestellnummer: 20-6633
Unser Preis: € 59,95
inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


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A secret sequel to one of Vanishing Inc.'s bestselling books is now available.

As a young magician, Vanishing Inc. Cofounder Andi Gladwin studied alongside Jack Parker and the pair became close friends. Jack was a phenomenal card magician that regularly received praise from other world-class magicians for his ability to craft truly innovative card magic. He had an uncanny ability to make visual and powerful card routines that often didn't require any truly difficult moves.

Andi always wanted to produce a book of Jack Parker's magic, but Jack never felt the time was right. However, after Jack was diagnosed with a terminal illness, he agreed to sit down with Andi. The duo spent months working on 52 Memories. This captivating exploration of Jack's card magic went on to be one of the most popular books Andi Gladwini ever published.

It seemed like this was the final farewell to Jack Parker...

But, Andi never told anyone that he had actually worked on two big books of Jack's magic. Since Jack passed right before the release of the first book, Andi and the Vanishing Inc. team were never quite sure when it would be right to release the second book.

Now, 15 years after Jack's passing, Vanishing Inc. is surprising the magic community with the release of 52 Explorations. This sequel to 52 Memories features 52 of Jack Parker's finest creations. Practical and commercial magic that perfectly represents the amazing card magician.

52 Explorations by Jack Parker includes full routines and other original ideas. You'll learn the Profusion Principle, Fade Change, Hands Up Vanish, and more. There's even a whole chapter that focuses on a relatively unknown mathematical principle that will stun your audience while the cards are in their hands.

This incredible book holds nothing back. Jack's most cherished secrets are brought to life across the pages of 52 Explorations, including a multi-phased Seven Card Assembly that nobody outside of Jack's closest friends circle has known until now. This might just be the most perfectly-constructed routine Jack has ever devised.

52 Explorations ends in a truly special way that has never been seen before in a Vanishing Inc. magic book. After Jack passed, Andi learned that Jack had left him three tricks that had never been seen anywhere else. They were a gift to Andi and a challenge to uncover their methods. After many months of work, Andi finally cracked the code and these effects are being shared with you for the first time ever. This includes a remarkable Open Travelers called "Airborne."

Vanishing Inc. has built a reputation for crafting the finest magic books in the industry, and 52 Explorations is no exception. This gorgeous hardback book is beautifully illustrated and perfectly laid out in a way that enhances the overall learning experience. The overall design was carefully constructed to match 52 Memories (Retrospective Edition) on your shelf.

Explore the final legacy of one of the most remarkable card magicians to ever live with 52 Explorations.

Englischsprachiges Buch, Festeinband, Format ca. 27 x 27 cm, durchgehend illustriert mit Zeichnungen.

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