Demo-Video ausblenden The door to magic is closed, but it's not locked.
And now Joshua Jay, one of the world's most accomplished magicians, not only opens that door but brings us inside to reveal the artistry and obsessiveness, esoteric history, and long-whispered-about traditions of a subject shrouded in mystery.
And he goes one step further: Joshua Jay brings us right into the mind of a magician-how they develop their other worldly skills, conjure up illusions, and leave the rest of us slack jawed with delight time after time. Along the way, Jay reveals another kind of secret, one all readers will find meaningful even if they never aspire to perform sleight of hand: What does it take to follow your heart and achieve excellence?
In 52 short, compulsively readable essays, Jay describes how he does it, whether it's through the making of illusions, the psychology behind them, or the way technology influences the world of magic. He considers the aesthetics of performance, discusses contemporary masters, including David Copperfield, Penn & Teller, and David Blaine, and details how magicians hone their craft. And answers questions like: Can a magic trick be too good? How do you saw a person in half? Is there real magic in the universe? The answers, like so much in magic and life, depend on you.
Why Magic? (Part 1)
When Did You Know Magic Would Be Your Life?
What ls Magic?
What Does lt Feel Like to Perform Magic?
How Do You Saw Someone in Half?
Why Don't Magicians Repeat Their Tricks?
Seriously, How Do You Saw Someone in Half?
What Happens lf a Magician Reveals a Secret?
How Do You Create Magic?
How Are We Fooled Exactly?
Who Are Your Favorite Magicians? (Part 1)
Jerry Andrus, Rune Klan, Richard Turner, Rene Lavand
What Do You Do For a Living?
How Often Do Magicians Practice?
Was Harry Houdini the Greatest Magician Ever?
Why ls Magic Still So Mate-Dominated?
Why lsn't Houdini Considered the Greatest Magician Ever?
How Do You Build a Magic Show?
How Do Magicians Use Technology?
How Are You Using Technology?
What Rote Do Words play in Magic?
Who Are Your Favorite Magicians? (Part 2)
Ricky Jay, Simon Aronson, Jeff McBride, Derren Brown
Do Magicians Get Fooled?
Why Do Some People Hate Magic?
Who ls the Hardest Audience to Fool?
What's Your Most Difficult Trick?
Could You Cheat at Cards?
What Makes David Copperfield So Iconic?
ls Magic Art?
What's the Weirdest Show you've Ever Done?
What Do You Think About When you Perform?
And What About Right Before you Go Onstage?.
How Did Houdini Die?
What's Worse - Screwing Up a Trick or Deating with Hecklers?
Why Aren't There More Black Magicians?
Does Magic Look Different in Other Countries?
What Makes Penn & Telter So Dynamic?
What's Your Favorite Magic Trick?
What Do Magicians Do in Secret?
Do You Have Magic Students?
What ls the Magic Castle?
Who Are Your Favorite Magicians? (Part 3)
Rob Zabrecky, David Williamson, Tommy Wonder
But Do You Have a Very Favorite Magician?
Do Magicians lnsure Their Hands?
ls David Blaine for Real?
Can a Magic Trick Be Too Good?
What Are the Magic Olympics?
Why Do Magicians Pull Rabbits Out of Hats?
ls Magic Memorabilia Valuable?
Why Do Magicians Have Such Big Egos?
ls There Real Magic in the Universe?
What's the Next Big Thing in Magic?
Why Magic? (Part 2)
Notes & Sources
Englischsprachiges Buch, Festeinband, farbiger Schutzumschlag, Format 16,5 x 23,5 cm, 310 Seiten.