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Paul Curry's Worlds Beyond
Paul Curry

Bestellnummer: 20-6390
Unser Preis: € 59,95
inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


Do you remember the first time you saw Paul Curry's "Out of This World" performed? Do you remember how badly it fooled you? Know now that you can own a book full of such magic by the only man who could imagine it.

In Paul Curry's Worlds Beyond you will find the original version of "Out of This World", which some still consider the best of the many variations that have been devised. You will also find all the other Curry classics, "Touch", "The Sliding Knot", "Open Prediction", "The Color-changing Deck", "Never in a Lifetime", "The Power of Thought", "Probability Zero" and "IOU".

But these are just the beginning. Paul Curry's Worlds Beyond contains original Curry card sleights, including his turnover change, and almost 70 tricks and routines that would have brought back that feeling of complete amazement "Out of This World" aroused in you—had you seen them performed before you read their secrets. Now you can arouse the same sense of astonishment in others, when you perform the other-worldly magic of Paul Curry.

Paul Curry belongs to that rare breed of "Inspired Amateurs" who has done more for magic than most professionals. In this book you’ll find out why. It has my highest recommendation.
Roberto Giobbi

Paul Curry saw magic through a private window that afforded his own unique perspective. To be a student of magic, one must study Curry.
David Regal

He could have stopped after inventing Out of this World in 1942 and guaranteed that literally all magicians from that point forward and for the rest of time would use his creation in their repertoires. Instead, this collection of classic Curry recipes shows that he was just getting warmed up. The greedy, keep-it-to-myself part of me is sorry this collection of pragmatic brilliance is being reprinted.
Steve Beam

I love to search through Magic books. I always find gems that somehow have been overlooked by others. Paul Curry’s Worlds Beyond is filled with loads of those rare sparklers. Not only great concepts but wonderful frameworks of presentation are within this book’s pages. Do you want to expand your repertoire? Here is a great place to search for treasure!
Paul Green

I must confess that I was more than a little annoyed when Paul Curry’s World’s Beyond was published originally. I had spent several decades assembling the secrets in it that had only been published previously in small pamphlets and equally small runs. While time may have softened my edge towards coveting secrets, it has only elevated my respect for the words and wizardry of Paul Curry. I am thrilled that a new generation – and audiences – will now have the opportunity of experiencing the work of a creative giant of twentieth century magic.
David Ben

Definitely not a one trick pony. Paul Curry’s magic is WAY out of this world! Great classics in here. IMO it’s a must read for any card man.
John Bannon

Englischsprachiges Buch, Festeinband, farbiger Schutzumschlag, 400 Seiten.

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