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Parlour Tricks
Morgan & West

Bestellnummer: 20-6335
Unser Preis: € 59,95
inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


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Parlour Tricks by Morgan & West is a deep dive into the mechanics of putting together a parlor magic show. This acclaimed duo has performed all over the world and their personas are that of time-traveling Victorian magicians. They are among the most unique acts in the industry, and for the first time ever, they explain not only their full show, but also how they approach assembling a magic show.

In 356 full-color pages, you'll learn a dozen routines and host of new theories. They also provide their complete annotated scripts so that you can understand why they say what they say, and how the words mesh with the mechanics of a show. You'll learn about sequencing a show and how Morgan & West go about material selection.

You'll learn signature effects like "Ring on Ribbon," "Thought-of Cards Across," and a book test without a book, plus much more! While Morgan & West perform as a duo, ALL of this material is easily adapted for solo performers, and all of the advice and theory is applicable to solo magicians.

BONUS: To help ensure the best learning experience, we're also including the full show performance by Morgan & West so that you can enjoy and appreciate the contents of the book live and in action.

Englischsprachiges Buch, Festeinband, Format 19 x 26 cn, 356 Seiten, illustriert mit 206 Farbfotos.

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* Alle auf dieser Seite ausgewiesenen Preise verstehen sich inkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer und zuzüglich Versandkosten.

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