BILLY McCOMB was a working magician and inventor of magic for more than 50 years. He was a prolific writer, a gifted illustrator, and could invent patter at the drop of a hat for just about any effect or circumstance. Join Billy and his friends Teller, Johnny Thompson, The Amazing Johnathan, Lance Burton, Simon Lovell, John Fisher, John Wade, Fielding West, Milt Larsen, Nick Lewin, Terry Seabrooke, Michael Chaut, Dave Cox, Sandy Marshall, and Annabel Gray as you embark on a journey through the virtual treasure trove of Billy's tricks and effects and friends reminisce about his magical influence on their lives.
Englischsprachiges Buch, Festeinband, farbiger Schutzumschlag, Format 26 x 18,5 cm, 210 Seiten, illustriert mit s/w-Zeichnungen und s/w-Fotos.
What Magician's are saying:
Billy was to the magic fraternity what Google is to the computer generation. Milt Larsen
Billy was truly one of the most creative magicians I've ever known. Johnny Thompson
The depth of Billy's knowledge was simply astounding! Lance Burton
Billy taught me the difference between a guy who does tricks and an entertainer who can truly hold an audience in the palm of his hands. Simon Lovell
Billy... I wish we had your brain in a jar for the future. The Amazing Jonathan