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Complete Cups & Balls - DVDs Vol. 1 & 2
Michael Ammar

Bestellnummer: 90-3728
Unser Preis: € 73,50
inkl. 19% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


The DVD format is absolutely perfect for learning the Cups & Balls. Get to the move you’re looking for with just a simple click, advance or rewind, frame by frame, to see every subtlety and nuance. From building blocks to blueprints, you’ll be able to construct any type of routine needed! Plus—three cameras watch from perfect angles showing the exact timing, techniques and misdirection needed for confident performing.
Volume 1:
Fundamental Props

Definitions: Mouth, Top of the Cup, Nesting, Stacking, Holding Out, Fake Transfer, The Steal, Loading (Secret/Actual/ Fake), The Dirty Hand, The Clean Hand, The Inertia Move

Basic Nesting

The Super Simple Routine

Fundamental Skills #1 – Acting

Methods of Holding Out:
Finger Palm
Thumb Palm
Classic Palm

Beginning Sleights:
The Fake Transfer
The French Drop
Classic Pass
The Simple Transfer
Misdirecting by the Wand

Secretly Loading a Ball Into a Cup:
From Finger Palm
Thumb Palm
Direct from Palm
The Tip Over Load
Loading a Nested Cup

Stealing from a Tabled Cup:
Two Finger Steal
Simply Holding Inside
The Two Finger Steal Out and
Spin Around to Show Empty
Stealing from Nested Cup
Little Finger Retention/Steal
Nesting Rolling Steal

Fundamental Skills #2 - Timing

Faking the Load:
The Scoop
The Scoop Clip
The Pinch Method
The Fake Roll Out

Cool Cup Moves:
Passing One Through Another
Wand Through Cup
Showing Inside Deeper Than Outside
Showing a Ball Inside an Empty Cup
Rolling a Cup
Pulling a Ball Up Through a Cup
The Charlie Miller Move
The Mendoza Move
Click Move
The Flushtration Count
The Tip-Off or “Fako” Move
Galloping Post Move
The Centrifugal Move

Fundamental Skills #3 Routining

2nd Level Routine

Fundamental Skills #4 – Misdirection

The 4 Ball, 3 Cup, 1 Final Load Routine

The Impromptu Routine
Volume 2:
Advanced Wand Vanishes:
Through the Fist
Through the Hand #2
The Mora/Vernon Wand Spin
Striking Vanish
The Drummer’s Spin

Opening the Routine:
Opening Positions
One Ahead
Two Ahead
Three Ahead
Four Ahead
Other Options

Opening Sequences:
One Ahead Return Opening
One Ahead Penetration
Three Ahead Production
Ammar’s Opening Production

Body Sequences:
Miller - Sequence #1
Miller - Sequence #2
Classic Gathering in Middle
All Gather One at a Time
Three Gather on Tops of Cups
Shower of Balls
Click Move Sequence
Two-None-Two Sequence
Reappearing Inside a Nest

Mastering the Final Load:
Methods of Misdirection
Standing or Sitting?
Natural Pockets
Special Pockets
Edge of the Coat

Coordinated Timing of Both Hands:
The Loading Hand
Holding the Cup

Ending Sequences:
Classic Elimination Sequence
Vernon’s Sophisticated Sequence
Ending Rhythms
The Engaged Spectator Ending

Creative Loading Systems

Vernon Cups & Balls Routine:
What might Vernon have
done differently?

Now—here’s what you do...

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* Alle auf dieser Seite ausgewiesenen Preise verstehen sich inkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer und zuzüglich Versandkosten.

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