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Maximum Entertainment 2.0
Ken Weber

Bestellnummer: 20-3404
Unser Preis: € 44,50
inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


Read Maximum Entertainment 2.0, the most beloved and practical book for the magician and mentalist who wants to rise above the crowd.

Revised! Expanded!

Now more than 75 pages longer, with tons of amplifications, clarifications, and additions, all aimed toward making you a better, stronger, more impactful performer. Yet the same price as when it debuted in 2003.

There are no tricks in this book, but it's loaded with secrets! The most important secrets - techniques for mastering your audience!

Ken Weber is one of the most successful mentalist/magicians in America. Newsweek magazine named him "one of the most frequently requested" performers on the college circuit. Ken Weber has performed for over 500 colleges and universities, and for major corporations, associations and resorts.

Through careful study, he uncovered the many secrets that helps top performers stand apart from their peers. He shares a blueprint for success in Maximum Entertainment 2.0 including:


2. Puzzle, trick, or EXTRAORDINARY MOMENT; Be sure you know the difference!

3. How to precisely target the "BIG THREE" REACTIONS.

4. Discover the SIX PILLARS OF ENTERTAINMENT SUCCESS. You will never reach your full potential until you master all six.


6. Discover invaluable VOICE tricks and LANGUAGE SKILLS.

7. Do you know the smart way for magicians to be FUNNY? This book will show you.

8. Immensely practical tips on MUSIC, SOUND and LIGHTING.

9. Find out what the most successful performers do BEFORE, DURING, and even AFTER every show.

10. Plus bonus chapters zeroing in on the special problems faced by CLOSE-UP MAGICIANS, "SILENT" ACTS, and MENTALISTS.


Let’s just start by saying this would be one of the TOP FIVE books I’ve ever read on magic in my thirty years as full time performing magician. This revised and expanded edition by Ken Weber is hard cover and 332 pages of knowledge that would have saved me years of trying to figure out.
Paul Romhany

This book is here to stay. It's an undisputed classic. Every professional dreams of having a director like Ken Weber. Now we can. Maximum Entertainment is essential reading if you're serious about performing magic.
Joshua Jay

The ultimate guide for the entertainer of the 21st century. Deceptively simple, practical, and fun. Highly constructive advice for any performer. With deep insight and gentle guidance, Ken Weber breaks a critical silence about the flaws within our art form. A stroke of genius in concept, and a joy to read!
Marc Salem (Star of the international smash hit, Marc Salem's Mind Games)

Little hints and big ideas combine until literally every page is sprinkled with priceless information!... The chapters on 'Lights' and 'Sound' should be required reading for anyone who performs on stage.
Eric Mead (Genii magazine)

I often recommend your book in my seminars, private teachings and in general conversations. You really did an amazing job. It is required reading for all my students.
Shawn Farquhar(FISM Grand Prix World Champion of Magic)

The best book I've read in many years about the practical side of stage performance. Every serious magician should own this book.
Jeff McBride


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